In an effort to increase awareness and promote regular and voluntary blood donation in communities throughout the country, we propose the creation of a physical monument to represent blood donation. The monuments will have informative plaques surrounding the base which give details about the process to donate blood and the importance of donation.


The monument consists of four droplet shapes of white material with mild colors to indicate the four different components of blood. They will have lights to illuminate the colors (red, white, yellow, etc. for each component) at night.


The idea of a single monument in multiple locations is to unify the way in which we bring awareness to the issue of blood donation, and to help with recognition of the monuments in every part of the country.


In this way, people in all different cities receive the same message with the design and colors drawing peoples’ attention and the plaques surrounding the base educating people about the issue. The goal is always to increase awareness. People ask why there are four drops? Did you know that the plaques surrounding the base say the requirements for donating blood?


The monument talks about regular, voluntary and altruistic donation. It also explains that the process to donate is very simple and one donation could save up to three lives.


Each location has the liberty to create their own plaques thanking anyone who helped with the construction of the monument.


Each location can also choose to make changes to the monument. For example, to choose to tilt the drops to one side, to have drops go from small to large instead of all being uniform, to add details such as flowers, to add a path between drops, etc. The concept of four drops and plaques with details regarding blood donation on a regular, voluntary, altruistic basis and donation requirements will be kept consistent between locations. Also, details of blood components.


At the end of this document, there are example views of the monument and the details of the plaques according to the national blood plan.


We should also add that the creation of the monuments for communities in the country can be done for zero cost.

There are 3 phases:

1-      Choosing a location and obtaining municipal permission and permits. Sometimes, the base of the monument can be built.

2-      Obtaining materials and workers: Local businesses can be contacted to donate construction materials, and local artists can be contacted to donate either materials or their time in helping with construction.

3-      Construction of the main structure: We suggest that the drops are made of normal building materials. Depending on location and climate, they can be made of metal, lights can be added, etc.


The idea is to maintain contact with the people of the national plan during construction to assure that the essence of the monument is being conserved despite minor changes at each location.


Through all of this we strive towards the goal of increasing blood donation.


Monuments of a more portable size can also be created for events so various institutions can have them to display for blood drives and other temporary events.


Also, a way to give recognition to donors who have given 100 donations, have donated for 30 years, etc. could be to create small models of the monument with a recognition plaque.


We have a small model being developed in alpaca, copper and brass with a wooden base like the model detailed below.


Attached are detailed, original mock ups and digital designs.


The content of the informative plaques will also serve, in each individual location, as a place to thank anyone who participated in the construction of that specific monument.


Claudio R. Parrinello – DonarSangreDaVida (photos below)










Second option: Monument with slight tilt of drops










Text of the donation information plaques on the monuments


1)      For every voluntary, regular and altruistic blood donation, you can be a hero

2)      Every donation can save up to three lives

3)      Steps to donate blood
-The process to donate takes no more than 30 minutes

-First, you must complete a simple questionnaire
-Next you will have a medical interview
-They will extract 450 mL of blood

-Do not forget to bring DNI, passport, or other identification

4) Requirements to donate blood

                Anyone who meets these requirements:

a.       Feels healthy

b.      Is between 18 and 65 years of age

c.       Weighs more than 110 pounds.



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