

We strive to bring awareness to the necessity of donating blood, platelets and bone marrow with the idea of platelet and marrow donation being “almost like giving blood”.

To support the patient and family throughout chemotherapy treatment by passing on our experience and with the support of specialists. While our focus is on supporting the patient, we try to support the family and friends as well to create a strong network for the patient.

To raise awareness about early detection of cancer in kids, understanding that early detection is crucial to achieving a high recovery rate in patients. 

Dissemination of the necessary tasks to achieve the aforementioned objectives is a non-profit that supports those in need and gives a helping hand to those who collaborate in other organizations with similar missions.

Support cancer research with the goal of achieving 100% survival rate.



To achieve a world in which Leukemia is a thing of the past for all people, young and old.

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